If you are reliant on grant funding from government to progress your papakainga aspirations you may have to pause and wait for funding confirmation before proceeding to Step 3, Step 4 and/or Step 5. Grant funding from government is not guaranteed. Demand across the rohe exceeds the amount of funding Te Puni Kōkiri has available. We cannot fund every proposal that meets our criteria, as much as we would like to.
Develop and share your vision with your whānau. This step will involve a lot of kōrero, hui, and preliminary research and is often the most time-consuming step in the papakāinga housing development process
With the information you have gathered from steps 1 and 2, owners and trustees are in a better position to engage professional services and get technical advice.
This involves getting technical reports, considering site options, technical design details, and associated costs.
Costings - estimates, quotes
Proposed housing plans
Council building & resource consent
5. Building and project management
With all your funding, project plans, and consents in place, infrastructure, and building work can get underway. It's good to get any building contracts checked by your lawyer.
This step requires you to undertake research, learn, and gather information about your land, its governance, and the whānau who might want to live there.
Your detailed research and investigation will give you confidence that your papakāinga housing development is viable and will identify any likely barriers.
This is when you'll work with any funding providers to negotiate funding. They'll do a thorough assessment of your project and will expect to see things like:
business case and project plan
resource and building consent
cost estimates and quotes
projected ongoing operating costs and revenue for the papakāinga project management details.
6. Maintenance and management
The mahi doesn't stop when building work is finished. There will be new responsibilities for the trust to manage as landlord of the papakāinga. There will be ongoing mahi managing and maintaining the houses and working with tenants.