Extending Waiheke Rāhui- Fisheries Act, section 186a
Ngāti Paoa Iwi Trust is calling for support to extend a S186A Temporary Closure under the Fisheries Act around Waiheke island. The extension aims to protect vital taonga species such as tipa (scallops), kūtai (mussels), kōura (crayfish), and pāua (abalone) from overharvesting and depletion.
These species hold immense cultural and ecological importance, serving not only as a source of sustenance but also as symbols of our connection to the whenua and moana. By granting these species the opportunity to replenish and thrive we are ensuring the preservation of our traditional practices and the health of our marine ecosystems for mokopuna to come.
If you wish to make a submission, please send an email to FMSubmissions@mpi.govt.nz.
You can also click here and follow the instructions. Submissions close at 5pm on Friday 7 June 2024.
We encourage you to support this submission for Ngāti Paoa, Ngāi Tai, and Ngāti Tamaterā and recommend that the application be granted for 6 years.
The extension of s186A is a proactive step towards sustainable resource management, aligning with Ngāti Paoa's commitment to kaitiakitanga and the well-being of our moana. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the protection and regeneration of our taonga species and the mauri of our marine environment.
If you would like to make a submission in support of the proposed s186a extension but aren't sure what to write, please feel free to copy and paste the below:
As a concerned member of the Ngāti Paoa, I fully support the s186A fisheries closures at Waiheke Island, Umupuia, Waipatukahu and Te Mātā in Tīkapa Moana to protect our taonga species, and recommend the closures remain in place for 6 years. These species are not just vital components of our cultural practices but also integral to the health of our marine ecosystems. By giving them the space to regenerate and replenish, we are ensuring a sustainable future for the generations to come. It is imperative we take action now to preserve these species for our mokopuna and safeguard the delicate balance of our marine environment.
If you wish to read our longer application please click here. The application has been made jointly with Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki and Ngāti Tamaterā, who are seeking closures at Umupuia Beach, and Te Mātā and Waipatukahu respectively. Ngāti Hei is also seeking a closure of the tipa (scallop) fishery along the east coast of the Coromandel Peninsula, which we support.
Hui-a-iwi on the Ngāti Paoa Treaty Settlement package
Ngāti Paoa Iwi Trust is holding a series of hui on the Ngāti Paoa Treaty settlement package, including what was negotiated through the Marutūāhu Iwi Collective.
These will be important hui and we encourage you to attend.
While the Ngāti Paoa Claims Settlement Bill is currently making good progress through Parliament, as an iwi we need to make decisions about the Ngāti Paoa share of redress provided through the Marutūāhu Iwi Collective Redress Deed. To do this we need to understand the extent and breadth of the Ngāti Paoa Treaty settlement package, and how it all fits together. This includes the Ngāti Paoa specific components, the Tāmaki Collective components, what is covered through Pare Hauraki Collective Redress Deed, and what was collectively negotiated through the Marutūāhu Iwi Collective.
Hui will be held at the following dates and times. We will confirm venues for Tāmaki and Waikato. Follow the link below to RSVP.